North Providence, Rhode Island Weather by Month

North Providence is a vibrant town located in Providence County in the state of Rhode Island, United States. Situated in the northeastern part of the state, North Providence is approximately 5 miles northwest of Providence, the state capital, and about 50 miles southwest of Boston, Massachusetts. Covering an area of around 5.8 square miles, North Providence has a population of approximately 32,000 residents according to the latest census data.

Geographically, North Providence is part of the Greater Providence metropolitan area and features a mix of urban and suburban landscapes. The town is characterized by its residential neighborhoods, parks, and small commercial centers. North Providence offers easy access to major highways, making it a convenient location for commuters.

While North Providence does not host any major universities within its limits, it is in close proximity to several higher education institutions, including Brown University, Providence College, and Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), all located in nearby Providence. These institutions contribute to the educational and cultural vibrancy of the region.

Major landmarks in North Providence include Governor John Notte Memorial Park, a popular spot for outdoor recreation with its scenic lake and walking trails, and the historic Stephen Olney Park, which offers a glimpse into the town’s past. Additionally, North Providence is known for its community events and festivals, which bring residents together and foster a strong sense of community.

Climate and Weather Overview

North Providence experiences a humid continental climate, characterized by cold, snowy winters and warm, humid summers. The area enjoys four distinct seasons, with significant variations in temperature and precipitation throughout the year.

Average Monthly Climate Data

Month Average Temperature (°F) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 29.0 4.0 10
February 31.0 3.6 10
March 38.0 4.2 12
April 49.0 4.0 14
May 59.0 4.0 16
June 68.0 3.9 18
July 73.0 3.8 20
August 72.0 4.1 19
September 65.0 4.0 17
October 54.0 4.2 15
November 44.0 4.3 12
December 34.0 4.2 10

Weather by Month


January in North Providence is typically cold, with average high temperatures around 37°F and lows around 21°F. The month receives an average of 4.0 inches of precipitation, primarily in the form of snow. There are approximately 10 sunny days in January. This time of year is ideal for winter activities such as ice skating and enjoying the winter landscapes at local parks. Natural disasters like snowstorms and occasional nor’easters can occur, impacting travel and outdoor plans. Indoor activities such as visiting nearby museums in Providence or enjoying local cafes are popular during this time.


February remains cold with average temperatures around 31°F. Precipitation averages 3.6 inches, with snow still being common. The town enjoys about 10 sunny days in February. Winter sports and indoor activities continue to be popular. Residents can enjoy the serene winter landscapes or participate in community events held indoors. Snowstorms and ice storms remain possible, so it’s important to stay updated on weather forecasts and drive cautiously.


March brings a gradual warming, with average temperatures around 38°F. Precipitation increases to 4.2 inches, with a mix of rain and snow. There are approximately 12 sunny days in March. The arrival of early spring makes it a good time for exploring local trails and parks, although conditions can still be wet and muddy. Indoor events and activities provide alternatives during inclement weather. Occasional late-season snowstorms can still occur, impacting travel plans.


April sees milder weather with average temperatures around 49°F. Precipitation averages 4.0 inches, primarily as rain. The town enjoys about 14 sunny days. This is an excellent month for outdoor activities such as hiking and fishing as the landscape begins to green up. Spring festivals and community events start to pick up, celebrating the end of winter. Thunderstorms can occur, so it’s wise to have indoor plans as a backup.


May offers warmer temperatures, averaging around 59°F, with precipitation at 4.0 inches. The town experiences approximately 16 sunny days. This month is perfect for outdoor activities, including hiking, fishing, and exploring the natural beauty of North Providence. The mild weather also makes it an excellent time for gardening and participating in local events. While thunderstorms can occur, they are typically brief.


June sees the onset of summer with temperatures averaging 68°F. Precipitation averages 3.9 inches, and there are about 18 sunny days. The warm and mild conditions are ideal for outdoor activities, including boating, hiking, and visiting local parks. Residents and visitors can enjoy the lush green scenery and participate in community events. Thunderstorms are more common in June, so it’s important to stay weather-aware during outdoor activities.


July is the warmest month in North Providence, with average temperatures around 73°F. Precipitation averages 3.8 inches, and the town experiences about 20 sunny days. The warm and mild weather is perfect for swimming, boating, and other water-related activities. Despite the heat, July is a great time for outdoor festivals, community gatherings, and enjoying the town’s numerous parks. Thunderstorms are frequent, often providing brief respite from the heat.


August continues the warm trend with average temperatures around 72°F. Precipitation increases slightly to 4.1 inches, and there are approximately 19 sunny days. This is another excellent month for outdoor activities, including hiking, biking, and enjoying the natural beauty of North Providence. The long, sunny days are perfect for exploring the town’s cultural sites and participating in community festivals. Thunderstorms are common, so it’s important to be prepared for sudden changes in weather.


September sees a gradual cooling with average temperatures around 65°F. Precipitation averages 4.0 inches, and there are approximately 17 sunny days. The cooler temperatures make it ideal for hiking, biking, and other outdoor activities. Fall festivals and community events begin to appear on the calendar, celebrating the harvest season. Thunderstorms can still occur, but they are less frequent than in the summer months.


October brings further cooling with average temperatures around 54°F. Precipitation increases slightly to 4.2 inches, primarily as rain. The town enjoys about 15 sunny days. The mild weather and changing foliage create a stunning backdrop for outdoor activities such as hiking, leaf-peeping, and visiting local farms for apple picking and pumpkin patches. Fall festivals and community events are in full swing. Occasional rainstorms can occur, so it’s wise to have indoor activities planned as well.


November continues the cooling trend with average temperatures around 44°F. Precipitation averages 4.3 inches, with a mix of rain and occasional snow. The town experiences about 12 sunny days. The cooler weather is perfect for indoor and outdoor activities alike. Residents can enjoy the local parks, attend cultural events, and explore the town’s historical sites. The mild temperatures make it a comfortable time for walking tours and outdoor dining. Occasional early snowfalls can occur, signaling the approach of winter.


December is one of the colder months in North Providence, with average temperatures around 34°F. Precipitation averages 4.2 inches, primarily as snow and rain. Despite the cooler weather, there are approximately 10 sunny days. The cooler temperatures and occasional snow showers create a cozy atmosphere, ideal for holiday events and indoor activities. Visitors can explore local museums, enjoy festive events, and participate in community gatherings. Winter sports become more popular as snow accumulates.

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