Dominica 1999

In 1999, the population of Dominica was estimated at approximately 68,000 people. The economy of the country is based largely on agriculture and tourism. Its main industries are banana production, soap making, and light manufacturing. Dominica has a long history of strong foreign relations with other countries in the Caribbean region. In terms of politics, Dominica has a parliamentary system with Edward Oliver Leblanc as Prime Minister since 1995. He was re-elected in 2000 for his third term in office and his Dominica Labour Party continued to hold a majority in Parliament. See ethnicityology for Dominica in the year of 2018.

Visit Countryaah official website to get information about the capital city of Dominica. Dominica decided in the same month to vote against the creation of a whale sanctuary in the South Atlantic. Against this backdrop, the World Wildlife Foundation, WWF, threatened to call for a tourism boycott against the country. However, such a boycott that would have seriously affected the national economy never came to fruition.

Dominica 1999

  • Also see to see the acronym of DMA which stands for Dominica and other definitions of this 3-letter abbreviation.

Map of Dominica Roseau in English

The PLUD won the elections in June 1995, gaining 11 out of the 21 seats in Parliament, while the Freedom Party and the Labor Party each captured 5. The new Prime Minister, Edison James, decided to stimulate the banana industry and privatize public companies to finance social improvements.

The government’s programs had severe consequences for society in August and September 1995. A number of tropical hurricanes and tornadoes ravaged plantations and export businesses. Houses, bridges, roads, hotels and public buildings were destroyed and had to be rebuilt.

In January 1996, foreign debt reached EC $ 320 million (East Caribbean dollars), while domestic debt was ECU 80 million. The same year, the government launched a privatization campaign of the main public companies in an effort to get control of state finances. The companies that went into private were the Elselskabet, the Agricultural and Industry Development Bank, the Import and Export Agency and other companies in the port of Roseau.

With the visit of Cuba’s foreign minister, Roberto Robaina, in May 1996, relations between the two countries were restored.

In early 1997, the opposition parties criticized the government severely for the privatizations, especially for the sale of the electricity company to an English company that had not been properly elucidated. In addition to the $ 5 million in development assistance from the English government, Dominica received an additional $ 1 million in April to protect coastal stretches from erosion.

Finance Minister Julius Timothy declared in 1998 that international activities were to be expanded, foreign embarkation in the country increased, while trying to take initiatives to establish insurance business in the country.

In October 1999, the National Assembly appointed Vernon Lord Shaw as Dominica’s 7th President. He was a retired public servant, and pledged to reorganize the country’s revenue, which was heavily affected by climate disasters and the world crisis.

Dominica (Commonwealth of Dominica) Central American island state, consisting of an island in the Lesser Antilles, in the Windward Islands group, located between Guadeloupe and Martinique. Discovered by C. Colombo in 1493 (on Sunday, hence the name), Dominica was colonized by the French in the 17th century. and disputed between France and England until the Battle of the Saintes (1782), which established the English dominance on the island, then united (1833) to the other English Antilles. A state associated with the United Kingdom since 1967, Dominica became an independent republic within the Commonwealth in 1978. The dominant political force from the 1960s was the Dominica labor party (DLP), which gave way to the conservative Dominica freedom party (DFP) in the 1980.

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